Sunday, October 29, 2006

No more time

I don’t have time.
I don’t want to wait.
I just happen to be ready for everything
I don’t want lies.
I listened too many all my life.
I just want trues that came from fair mouths.
Sometimes you need to choose
Without think Without ask for help
Because you have no time
And who wants to wait?
Those days, when everything was to be, are gone;
They died a long time ago
I need to look forward, forget all mistakes,
Remember just the good times and keep going
Because you have no time to spend in desperation
And the past is always a frightening site
It’s like looking back right through Medusa’s eyes
You will be froze in the most darkening times
And I have no time
You can wait and pray for something good
But you too can seek for better ways to walk your days,
Try new ways to do old things
Or you can wait and dare the time,
And it will laugh in your face and race it’s clicking
You will end anyway,
But sad and tormented by all the things you never made
So, I tell you again
Sometimes you need to choose
Without think Without ask for help
Because you have no time
And who wants to wait?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea, nice that you started a blog. Is your email
Just checking I got the right Andrea, You left a comment on my blog-scrapping till the cows come home, and you are in my yahoo group right? Anyway If this is the right Andrea, (sorry I have three Andrea's in my group!!)email me: and I can help me with setting up your blog with a pretty header, your own background, etc and you also mentioned that you don't know where to put the pages you make with my enchanted kit: well you could join a wonderful site like rakscraps and then put them in the online gallery, or if you want them private and to choose who can see them, then you can host them at a place like photobucket, that way you can send people the links to that particular page. email me if you want/need help. I am more than happy to help you.